Access stock events with feeds covering 11,000+ publicly traded companies worldwide. The top datasets requested by capital markets clients includes:
- Buybacks - includes completed, canceled or retired, based on either end date, tender expiration date or updated date, plus all open future buybacks.
- Secondary Offerings - features closed, postponed or canceled, based on closing date or updated date, plus all open future secondary offerings.
- Stock Splits - includes announced stock split dates and ratios.
- IPOs - Calendar of upcoming and recent IPOs including price range, float, trade date.
- Announced Dividends with status and ETFs - Dividend record date, pay date, ex-div dates, amounts, status, frequency. ETFs include announced distribution dates & income and ETF projected distribution dates covers completed or canceled, based on first trade date, plus all approved or pending future corporate breakups.
- Index Changes - shows changes in major indices worldwide
- Options Expirations - in addition to when the options expiration date was crossed, shows the frequency of the option