Wall Street Horizon Earnings Event Data Offered to Corporate and Investor Relations Professionals via Virtua Platform

Boston, MA,  November 8, 2016 – Wall Street Horizon, a provider of accurate and timely corporate event dates and information for institutional traders and investors, today announced that its earnings-related corporate event data is now available to the corporate "C-suite" and Investor Relations (IR) professionals for the first time through the Virtua platform.  

Wall Street Horizon is providing Virtua Research, a financial services technology company, with five of its forward-looking and historical event data types via its Enchilada online application--corporate earnings dates, earnings reports, earnings announcements, earnings revisions and earnings conference calls.  In addition, Virtua subscribers will have the opportunity to purchase the full Enchilada premium service with all 40+ corporate event types.

Now CFOs and financial analysts alike can perform a wide range of IR tasks from peer analysis to consensus analysis using the comprehensive Virtua platform by accessing Enchilada event data in combination with the Virtua analytics and additional research tools.

“Partnering with Virtua is an effective way for us to extend our reach into the corporate and Investor Relations space,” said Bruce Fador, president of Wall Street Horizon.  “We are excited for Virtua to be the first IR-focused platform to feature Enchilada and believe by using our corporate event data, it will help firms better manage their competitive analysis.”

“With the addition of Wall Street Horizon’s events data to our innovative suite of collaborative IR analytic tools, IR professionals can now access the most accurate event data available without having to leave their desktop,” said Andy Detwiler, CEO of Virtua Research.  “Anyone charged with financial planning needs earnings-focused event data to complement their research.”

About Wall Street Horizon
Wall Street Horizon provides institutional investors and traders with an ever-expanding set of forward-looking and historical corporate event datasets, including earnings dates, dividend dates, options expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and a wide variety of investor-related conferences. With access via machine-readable feeds, the Enchilada web-based application, and Thomson Reuters Eikon, the company's data is widely recognized for its unmatched accuracy and timeliness. For more information, please visit www.WallStreetHorizon.com or email us at info@wallstreethorizon.com

About Virtua Research
Virtua is a financial services technology company focused on web-enabled information delivery. The company’s unique combination of investment research experience, data expertise, and software development capabilities enables it to provide industry-leading financial research tools and services for investors, analysts, and corporate management. Headquartered in Boston, with multiple offices in India, Virtua is an international, privately held company committed to world-class customer service.

Media Contact
Wall Street Horizon
Kathleen Ryan
781.994.3500 x228