Seeking Alpha: Is U.S. Corporate Confidence In Danger Of Slipping? LERI Says Yes

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  • The uncertainty index which suggested CEOs were feeling more comfortable with how their businesses were performing in Q1 is now showing that confidence wavering ahead of Q2 earnings reports.
  • The fourth quarter earnings season (reported in Q1 2023) closed with a LERI of 104, suggesting that companies have gradually gotten less worried since the start of 2022.
  • Will the recent banking crisis, persistently high inflation, and the beginning signs of a weakening job market propel the LERI higher for the second quarter? An early signal shows that could be possible.

The uncertainty index which suggested CEOs were feeling more comfortable with how their businesses were performing in Q1 is now showing that confidence wavering ahead of Q2 earnings reports.

The Late Earnings Report Index (LERI) tracks outlier earnings date changes