Wall Street Horizon Data to Be Offered Through Kyper's Revolutionary New Data-as-a-Service Platform

Boston, MA,  April  7, 2016 – Wall Street Horizon, a provider of accurate and timely corporate event dates and information for institutional investors and traders, today announced that its data will be available through Kyper's revolutionary new data-as-a-service (DaaS) platform.  Wall Street Horizon will be providing Kyper with its unique forward-looking and historical datasets related to corporate earnings dates, earnings date revisions, dividend dates, ETFs and investor conferences.

The soon to be launched Kyper platform will aggregate and standardize Wall Street Horizon’s data with that from other financial data and news publishers so that clients in search of profitable trading and risk strategies can spend less time collecting, cleaning and managing data and more time backtesting hypotheses and building models.  The Kyper platform will also include an Excel plugin, well-documented APIs for Python and R and an interactive Python environment so that clients can combine, try and then purchase the exact data they need, all without leaving the platform.

“The Kyper platform makes it very easy to combine and experiment with different datasets," said Bruce Fador, President of Wall Street Horizon.  “We are thrilled to be on the platform and believe it will help more firms develop alpha generating strategies using our corporate event data." 

 “We are on a mission to create the most efficient, standardized and comprehensive DaaS platform available and are excited to add Wall Street Horizon to our list of publishers,” said Michael Chang, CEO of Kyper.  “I'm confident our clients will find many uses for their unique historical datasets."


About Wall Street Horizon
Wall Street Horizon provides institutional investors and traders with an ever expanding set of forward-looking and historical corporate event datasets including earnings dates, dividend dates, options expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and a wide variety of investor-related conferences.  With access via machine-readable feeds, the Enchilada online application or the Enchilada API, the company's data is widely recognized for its unmatched accuracy and timeliness.  For more information, please visit www.WallStreetHorizon.com or email us at info@wallstreethorizon.com.

About Kyper
Kyper is a cloud-based Data as a Service platform that connects individuals, organizations, data publishers, and developers, making standardized datasets of any type and any size available all in one place. We have rethought and restructured the entire workflow, creating the most efficient, standardized, and comprehensive DaaS platform available on the market today. This DaaS platform enables you to quickly find the data you need to drive your ideas and organization forward.  For more information please visit www.kyper.com.

Media contact
Kathleen Ryan
Wall Street Horizon
781.994.3500 x228