Wall Street Horizon has partnered with institutional financial services company Interactive Brokers to provide its complete Enchilada corporate event dataset through IAB's Trader Workstation (TWS) platform.
The collaboration, which was announced earlier this week, results in tens of thousands of traders and investors that use TWS can now access Enchilada’s comprehensive forward-looking and historical corporate event data for 5,000 North American companies. The platform tracks more than 40 different event types including earnings dates, dividend dates, splits and investor related conferences, which are available via a web-based application or direct data feed.
“We aligned with Wall Street Horizon in 2010 because their feeds were far and away the most accurate and timely, and we are pleased to now expand the relationship to offer the full Enchilada suite,” said Steven Sanders, EVP of marketing & product development at Interactive Brokers. “Our options trading clients in particular will benefit from Wall Street Horizon’s comprehensive suite of event data, using this as an additional research tool in their pursuit of alpha.”
“Over the last few years, we have seen a steady uptick in demand for our data through the Interactive Brokers platform,” said Bruce Fador, Wall Street Horizon’s chief commercial officer. “With the full Enchilada dataset now available through TWS, their community of active traders will be able to leverage our data to avoid surprises, save time and make more informed investment decisions.”
Founded in 2003 and based outside Boston, Wall Street Horizon provides institutional investors and traders with comprehensive information and data about corporate events such as earnings dates, dividend dates, options expiration dates, splits and investor conferences. The company’s products are available via API or the Enchilada online suite, and on leading financial industry platforms such as Eikon, Markit Hub, and now IAB’s TWS.