Woburn, MA, December 15, 2015 – Wall Street Horizon, a provider of accurate and timely corporate event dates and information for institutional investors and traders, today announced the availability of a new API and three new corporate event data types; Buybacks, IPOs and Secondary Offerings. These additional data types are now available through Enchilada, the company’s new online application which was launched in September 2015.
With the new Enchilada API, clients and partners now have an easy and efficient way to access, organize, integrate and display all of Wall Street Horizon’s forward-looking and historical corporate event data types into their own applications. Through this API, clients will receive real-time data updates and access to new Wall Street Horizon data types as soon as they are published.
The addition of Corporate Buybacks, IPOs and Secondary Offerings brings the number of distinct corporate event data types offered through Enchilada to twenty eight (28).
These new data types include the following:
- Corporate Buybacks -- Dates for when the buyback was approved by the board, announced, when it will start, when it will end and when (if ever) it was canceled. Number, value and percent of outstanding shares being offered. Open Market or Tender offer distinction and high/low of tender offer range.
- IPOs -- IPO file date, company sector, lead managers, shares to be offered, estimated volume, trade date, quiet periods and lockup expirations.
- Secondary Offerings -- Dates for when the offering was first announced, the sale will start and the sale will end. Share owner(s), number of shares to be offered, share price. Company underwriter/manager name(s) and stage of the offering (open, closed, postponed, canceled).
“In addition to being the most accurate source for forward-looking corporate event dates and information, we also want to be the most comprehensive, so we are pleased to offer these new data types to our clients,” said Barry L. Star, CEO of Wall Street Horizon. “We are also excited that we are able to respond so quickly to our clients' and partners' requests and deliver an API they can use to integrate all of the Enchilada data into their own applications.”
About Wall Street Horizon
Wall Street Horizon provides institutional investors and traders with an ever expanding set of forward-looking and historical corporate event datasets including earnings dates, dividend dates, options expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and a wide variety of investor-related conferences. With access via machine-readable feeds or Enchilada, its easy-to-use online application, the company's data is widely recognized for its unmatched accuracy and timeliness. For more information, please visit www.WallStreetHorizon.com or email us at info@wallstreethorizon.com.
Media contact
Kathleen Ryan
Wall Street Horizon
781.994.3500 x228