Earnings Calendar & Events

In the volatility that surrounds corporate events, trading and risk strategies usually hinge on accuracy and timeliness. By keeping clients apprised of critical market-moving events, Wall Street Horizon's primary and publicly sourced, 100% compliant event data empowers financial professionals to capitalize on trading opportunities or mitigate risk.

Top Volatility Inducing Earnings Events:

Earnings Today and Tomorrow:

Earnings Date Status refers to whether the company has confirmed their date, "Unconfirmed" indicates the date has either been a) gathered by our data collection process but is still considered tentative by the company or b) estimated by our data analysts based on historical trends.

Need the next earnings date?

Earnings Calendar

For firms that only need earnings announcement information, the earnings calendar features upcoming earnings calendar dates - confirmed or forecasted, with the expected timing of announcements. This includes preliminary earnings announcements.

Need to know when earnings dates change and why?

DateBreaks - Earnings Date Revisions

Institutional investors increasingly rely upon earnings date revisions to help formulate trading and risk strategies. Recent academic research has shown that tracking changes to earnings announcement dates can help investors generate additional alpha or mitigate risk in their portfolios.

DateBreaks is a time-stamped alert and contains confirmations, revisions, and pattern recognition detail related to earnings release dates.

Need to know earnings confirmation timing even earlier in the cycle?

Confirmation Timing

This new product focuses on the timing of an earnings date confirmation, using historical data to project an expected confirmation date and normal range that enables the identification of:

  • Companies that have not yet confirmed an earnings date and are materially late compared to their historical trends/behaviors.
  • When an earnings date is announced whether that confirmation timing is earlier or later than the company's historical average of the same quarter.

Firms reporting earlier than usual exhibit positive abnormal returns. Likewise, companies that confirm later than average typically exhibit negative abnormal returns. By incorporating confirmation dates at an earlier part of the earnings timeline, traders can have a preliminary look at how a company is performing.

Our new whitepaper, "The Earliest Indicator of Corporate Earnings: Using Confirmation Timing for Trading Signals", explores this concept and features multiple use cases of off-trend confirmation timing events.

Need the detail of earnings date revisions, but faster?

Earnings Date Monitor

To meet the rapid delivery requirements of options traders, HFT/algo traders and market makers, Wall Street Horizon offers a streaming feed.

Need EPS results?

EPS Results

For traders focused on today's earnings announcement activity, including comparisons of what was expected versus what actually occurred, we provide both the estimated and reported earnings per share figures. It includes links to live source documents.

Need access to earnings conference calls, whether live or replay?

Conference Calls

We recognize that earnings calls are considered one of the key resources for investors and equity analysts. To that end, we offer earnings conference call details including dates, times and URLs and direct links to earnings call transcripts.

Need archived data?

Historical Data

Academics frequently use Wall Street Horizon archived data for their studies. For example, using Wall Street Horizon earning dates, the paper Famous Firms, Earnings Clusters, and the Stock Market finds that each quarter has a handful of days with the potential to have an impressive cluster of important firms announcing earnings more-or-less simultaneously in either the pre-open or post-close period.

Wall Street Horizon's historical event data are the industry's largest, most detailed and most accurate archiving of this type of event data. We archive data as we publish it and offer history corresponding to the above data. For detailed information, contact us.

Need to know when companies report interim financials between earnings announcements?

Interim Calendar

With the new Interim Calendar, institutional investors and traders can access critical dates and information when public companies report key sales, production and financial information between their quarterly or semi-annual earnings announcements. Learn more.