For 14 years, Wall Street Horizon has focused on providing accurate corporate event data – because we know that corporate events impact volatility. For example, recent independent academic studies have demonstrated that changes in earnings announcement dates can affect alpha.
Highlights of 2016 Wall Street Horizon research include:
Earnings dates: Wall Street Horizon continually monitors various sources of corporate earnings data including company press releases, websites, SEC filings and additional investor relations materials and events. As a result, in 2016, WSH reported over 48,800 updates to its earnings dates. In addition, WSH tracked 22,700 EPS updates.
Dividend distributions: WSH researched and reported 13,000 dividend dates including regular and special dividends and ETFs. ETF distributions and splits represented 7,200 of the total dividend dates.
Investor-related events: Investor events and conference calls often lead to volatility in a company's stock. In 2016, WSH researched and reported on 28,800 company conference calls and over 23,500 individual company presentations from 12,600 different investor conferences/shareholder meetings.
For more details on Wall Street Horizon corporate event data, please contact us at or 781.994.3500.